Sankofa Fine Art Plus

We Believe in the Power of African American Art to Revitalize Urban Communities.

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop and advocate for African American artists, and to present African American art as a credible and meaningful art form for neighborhood revitalization, through inter-generational community education and collaboration.

Sankofa Fine Art Plus - Creativity


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Knowledge is Power

Youth volunteers work on the community mural “Knowledge is Power!” In 2017, Sankofa Fine Art Plus received grants to install a new mural in the Read More...

The Moreland Unity Mural

Detail from the “Moreland Unity Mural” in Shaker heights. After experiencing the success of the Glenville mural “Our Lives Matter”, the City of Shaker Heights Read More...

Our Lives Matter!

Gary Williams of Sankofa Fine Art Plus puts the finishing touches on the mural "Our Lives matter." Between 2014 and 2015 Sankofa Fine Art Plus Read More...

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