​​​​About Sankofa Fine Art Plus

​​We believe in the power of African American art to revitalize and unify neighborhoods.

​Sankofa Fine Art Plus

​Sankofa Fine Art Plus is dedicated to developing public opportunities to showcase African American art and artists. We believe that African American art presents a rich, yet underutilized community resource for fostering local pride and supporting urban revitalization.

Through education and direct collaboration with communities, we help bring awareness to emerging and established artists, provide “art experiences” for the public, and raise awareness of and appreciation for the rich history and tradition of “fine ethnic art”.

Sankofa Fine Art Plus - Creativity

​​Some of Our Work

​Our History

​Sankofa Fine Art Plus is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community arts organization founded in 1999 in Cleveland Ohio by a group of art enthusiasts who shared a passion for African American and ethnic art and artists. ​Aware of the limited opportunities available for ​these types of artists in mainstream venues, the founders​ used the ​organization to ​address the problem through, education, exposure, and community involvement. Sankofa Fine Art Plus contuinues to carry out the founders' vision to encourage the distribution of “fine ethnic art” in North East Ohio.

Sankofa Fine Art Plus - Creativity
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